Strandhusid...where is it, why am I not there.
I miss the view of the sea, althoug we have a new view. You wanna hear about it? Well, it's your lucky day...have you ever seen Friends? Then you might understand that it's not our lucky day...the reason is that we have our own "Ugly naked guy", and let me tell you it's not as fun as it sounds. Just imagine eating your nightsandwich and a naked guy shows up in the window across the yard. It is not nice! This seems to be a habitual thing, cause not only have we seen him once. Is it etihical to do thing like this when you have neighbours?
This is how we live now and In the next few days me and Malin are gonna guide you thru our apartment. Figured since we know how most of you live, maybe you should so how we have it now. And NO, i refuse to show you pictures of our Ugly naked guy. If you wanna see it, you have to come here =) We don't mind!
2 ummæli:
I think it should be a rule to attatch a pic to all texts over two senteces. Let me see him!
hahaha, you're right! But i dont have a camera, so no can do :D (Read:yes yes, lucky i dont have to see him up close and naked!)
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