sunnudagur, október 22, 2006
Islands brygge
Hej alla mina kycklingar! A hug to each one of you and dubble up to Lotta, that just guided me away from frustration on msn:-).
You say you have snow in Iceland now, I also checked out the wether forecast for sweden (we have swedish kanal 1,2 and with a foggy filter also tv4 here...) and that said snow as far south as Härjedalen! Well. I haven't seen the big neon thermometer here on Rådhusplatsen show anytnig under 10 degrees yet... Beatiful South here! Something I do my best to live up for and as late as yesterday I was swimming in the sea down by Islands Brygge on Amager here in town.
Quite nobel of Denmark to remember their colony Iceland (that they never really cared about before..) with some streets and a "harbour/bridge"... Njalsgade, Egilsgade, Halfdansgade, Gullfossgade, Snorregade, Vestmannagade... are they streets in Rvk also? My guess thow is that it's more for themtelves (OURselves, I am one of the danes/baunefolkid now I guess!) to remember bigger land than honuor to Iceland...
4 ummæli:
So nice of them to name streets after thingz here. I quess? Let me know when you find Hjortur Vifill street.
Very noble. And I think they do it because it all was theirs... so don't hurra to much! When you become the king here they might be interested in naming a square or to after you my friend
You know you're crazy, right? Who in their right mind go swimming this time of year? I mean hello, polarbears are starting to walk the streets soon =P
Well, I'm waiting for my skin to grow thicker and my nervs to stop feel. They say it will come... But for sure, You wake yourself up! air and water is now below 10, and it's going down...
The plan is to do it the wole winter!
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