mánudagur, febrúar 19, 2007

Meeting over (read: in) a dinner

I was at Netto, buying food earlier, a highlight when you spend your day in your very abstract books... A few minuites ago I realized I was hungry and checked my fridge. Beer and surmjólk. Hmm....

Well, I was planning to set (the clean corner of) my table when I decided to check the Budardal-blog. ...and I had some posts to cath up from you guys.

First thought "...Lotta has been writing a lot"----I want real food!!!

I widen my sight a bit and checked the fridge again.

"...snow I germany... ----I'll cook sth white....!

"mmm Island" ----Fish I say!

I found a can of corn in a corner... And yes Villi! I also saw the handbollgame between Island and Denmark;-) that was really a win-to-win situation for me so I must say I had a great time watching "us" score again and again (I count both Island and Denmark as us) ----splat! Smash! shoot!....(both my phone and my internet was on vacation at the time otherwise you would have recieved some sms's..)

"Italy you say Birna" ....nå, what spices do I have?

"ugghh... fuck I have to think about my chemistry now!! ...pH was it....BTB colour indicator"----brown, ok than it's not sour at least...

(cooked in its own saucepan)

In the other one:
*milk (~3cl)
*old cream (~4cl)
*coconut milk (more than the others)
*syrdur rjómi (bought today)

"what did you say about Kjartan?" ok...----Lets falmbée!

Plate arrangement: wheeltracks on ricebed.

Drink: what were those funky chicken holding???

"I hope Malin is reading at least..." ----NAMINAM!!!

(My plan was to write about my funny weekend with Malin and Hjörtur visiting Copenhagen... I think my apetite took me a little out of track...)

kiss o knus ----thank you, you help me realize I have much more than I first see!

(I don't know...the say I have a different way of thinking..)

5 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

How did this cooking work out?

Nafnlaus sagði...

haha... Delicious!

Lottu sagði...

What a nice way of cooking...did it end up good? Sounds like I sholud try it :D

Nafnlaus sagði...

It was me saing it was deliscious;-)...But then a also compare with my vegetarian Curry-chicken (chicken was too expensive..) and my lensless lens soup (a bit waterlike to be honest...)...I actually gave Svennis baby-food a chance once, and, no, I still don't recommend it. Just because my kitchen is owend by a splendid chef it doesnt say I win the golden spoon every day. (But I am not afraid to find out;) ...and there is always beer and surmjölk.

Today I tried to make a good impression by inviting a classmate for lunch;-)

And Hjörtur, why didnt you want me to cook for you?

kiss o knus/Anna

Nafnlaus sagði...

But I just ate something called saxbauti....
