sunnudagur, janúar 21, 2007

White as snow

Belive it or not, but we do have snow. It's not particulary cold, but yesterday it started snowing, and snowed a lot. I was home at my parents house, so i took on my winterclothes and grabbed my Stiga snowracer...It was so much fun, we felt as kids again. Haven't seen snow all winter, so this was really fun. We found this gigant hill, about 5 meters long ;) and went down. It was short but so much fun...then when we got home and made snowangels and candlecaves. Then we went to sleep and the next morning it was all gone. But today its been snowing again, so its getting white again...but I'm happy, I've had my five minutes of snow :D

It was so much fun and I wish you'll all have the same fun as I did :D By the way, I hope it's all gone tomorrow. I don't wanna ride my bike to school, if it's all white. I do like snow, but not when im on my bike ;)

Love Charlotte

17 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Oh Ido like snow, me and Hjörtur borrowed snowmobiles yesterday and went for a short trip and finally we got stuck in a high slope and had to turn back home, somehow, I managed to fall off, the slade jumped and left me in the air, wich putted a big smile on Hlörturs face! But now the snow is gonna melt down for the next week, the Ice on the sea is breaking so it doesn´t look to good for more snow fun for a while at least!


Gortur sagði...

i come from þingeyri!!

Nafnlaus sagði...

...say hello to your parents, I´m from Þingeyri, blablabla, I´m from Þingeyri...

Nafnlaus sagði...

...say hello to your parents, I´m from Þingeyri, blablabla, I´m from Þingeyri...

silvana sagði...

what?in germany its snowing like crazy!it doesn`t stop!
i hope this year the roofs of the houses won`t break down!
i can`t go home...most of the trains are coming too late...i hate it!

Nafnlaus sagði...

My Landcruiser is for sale...

silvana sagði...

@villy : why?

Nafnlaus sagði...

I bought anotherone, younger, smaller, just "original". :( And that´s just boring to have a car like that, but my bank account says that I have to sell the old one! Special price for you my friend! you can use it in the snow in Germany now!!! Were you one of the 12.000 Germans who supported the Icelandic handball team against France???


Lottu sagði...

Villi I don't have enough money right now, but can't i borrow your landcruiser when i go to school. I don't like to ride my bike in the snow...not my thing, but a landcruiser on the other hand ;)


Nafnlaus sagði...

Já já, ekkert mál! Just drop by next time when you´re in the neighbourhood!

Gortur sagði...

How about we set kjartan on fire??? anyone???

Nafnlaus sagði...

Yeah let´s do that! I guess you were watching old videos from some Lyngbrekka party! And if anyone cares, I´m braindead today, more than usual Like a straw! Villi

silvana sagði...

oh villy thats nice but we dont have snow anymore!
em em yes of course i was one of the 12.000;-)what do you think?;)

Nafnlaus sagði...

Yes of course! Áfram Ísland! I´m sorry to hear you lost your precious snow! :) Villi

silvana sagði...

well so i hope you will watch germany in handball tomorrow;)!
now its great that we dont have snow anymore!so i can come to university in time:)!
do you still have snow in iceland?by the way are you still building bridges?

Nafnlaus sagði...

No, I´m making stones, for the same company though, just no bridge to build these days, but I hope I will soon start building one, I hate to work mfrom 7.30-16.00 every day, I´m just bored like hell in that lazy system.

I won´t watch handball again, I get to angry, or at least I got furious when "we" played with Denmark, and Iceland lost. Piece of crap. Plenty of snow now, Hveravellir next weekend! Villi

silvana sagði...
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