sunnudagur, janúar 28, 2007


Was talking to Hjörtur earlier charmer...was really fun and he guided me to a lot of pictures and slideshowes made by HFH. It was so much fun to i really recommend you (non HFH members) to click the link to the left and really just enjoy the pictures :D

It brought back so many memories, and I miss you all so much right now...gosh I really need a hug right now!

Love you all, Charlotte

5 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

In this slideshow, I saw the first photo ever of myself being normal looking! Villi

Lottu sagði...

really, i must have missed that one...which number did you say it was? Nah sorry, Villi...but couldn't help was to tempting not to joke about it! You know i love you! Goda nótt

Nafnlaus sagði...

Ha ha ha! Takk.

Góðann dag!

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hahaha, It was very fun any way, but actually it was in Hvammstangi, but it doesn´t make any diffrence, both places out in the middle of nowhere, but Búðardalur, that´s another thing, it´s the center of the universe!

Villi; going to Hveravellir in 4 days :)

Gortur sagði...

Ohh yes Hveravellir....
Cant wait

"How about we set Kjartan on fire??"